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Dorothy “Sis” Miller’s memoir takes readers back in time to the 1940s growing up in Northern California
ROSEVILLE, Calif.—Traditional history books rarely give readers a glimpse into the real lives of those who experienced the sweet charm of a time and place. In the new memoir Tales of a Country Bumpkin by Dorothy “Sis” Miller and compiled by grandson Stefan Adcock, Miller deftly takes readers through a time portal back to the 1940s, a time of simplicity and old-fashioned values.
This authentic memoir examines life in Dry Creek, which is located near Roseville, through the eyes of a small child. Sis comes from a family of five children raised by the incomparable Millers who love their brood with discipline and grace. The Millers become the bedrock of the tight-knit small town where Dorothy’s father Rolf Moeller still has his name gracing the high school gymnasium where he was known as “Coach”. “Dad was, most of all, a coach. You name it he coached it. He molded many young men over the 20 years of his career—and that’s pretty much a story in and of itself.”
Miller paints such a rich and vivid picture of Roseville, the reader can easily track on the map (contained within the book) her descriptions of the town. “It was such a nice, little town—at least I remember it that way. It was a life of meeting people in businesses or on the street and knowing them as an acquaintance, friend, or in our case, a relative.”
For Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers (the last generation where kids were allowed to play outside unfettered by today’s societal problems) will strongly identify with Miller’s descriptions of building hay forts in the fields, catching frogs in the often-murky creek waters, eating wonderful fresh fruit off nearby trees, or making games using bugs. While the book may not match up today’s modern expectations of action, it beautifully builds childhood experiences and excitement of the 1940s war era.
Growing up as country “bumpkins” meant that everything in the young lives of the Millers offered something to explore and live in a world of make-believe. “Down the hill toward the creek sat various outhouses in worse shape than the house. Some tilted, leaned, or had already fallen over. Tall weeds that never burned surrounded everything. We got set loose to explore in them. Amongst the tall grass sat an old wagon that still had the riding seat, complete with springs and a long bed. The wheels had started to rot off, but it made no difference. We still pretended to be escaped outlaws or Indians. We whipped our imaginary teams of horses and escaped into the ‘fort’ just in the nick of time.”
Tales of a Country Bumpkin offers a throw-back to a lost era in the 20th century. Readers will be charmed by the antics of the Moeller family and lose themselves in the adventures. For more information, call 916-300-8012 or visit the website at www.3Lpublishing.com. The book is available in print and eBook formats on Amazon, Kindle, Nook, and Apple Books.
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